Monday 21 March 2011

Custom Moonie goods #1

Naturally Sailor Moon has inspired us all and some of us have got pretty creative! These are a few examples of fan arts and crafts that i've found...

These shoes are FANTASTIC. The colours are beautiful, the characters are gorgeously represented and the style is utterly fab. Sign me up for a pair!

Sweet, cute and so Sailor Moon! This necklace just says it all...
Anyone feel like a bath? These cute rubber ducks are the perfect companions for aquatic fun! Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask will punish you if you don't clean up your act!

This is a beautifully made example of cosplay art. This fabulous, handmade broach must've taken ages to complete and it really shows alot of love.

Sailor Moon Cupcakes! Seriously adorable and the perfect moonie treat. Om nom nom nom nom...