Monday, 31 January 2011

Character Profile #8 ~ Haruka Ten'ō A.K.A Sailor Uranus

Name: Haruka Ten'ō
Birthday: January 27th
Sign: Aquarius
Blood type: B
Fave colour: Gold
Hobby: Driving
Fave food: Salad
Least fave food: Natto
Fave subject: Gym
Least fave subject: Modern History
Weaknesses: Confessions of love
Special talent: Racing
Dream: To be a Racer
Haruka Ten'ō is oft misjudged both inside the series and outside in the fandom. Her character design is based around Takeuchi's desire to introduce a personality resembling a performer from the Takarazuka Revue  tradition of Japanese theatre. This theatrical style is characterised by an entirely female cast, hence Haruka's slightly masculine appearance; many of the female performers play men.

Haruka is a tomboy; more so than Makoto, in that she also dresses in men's clothes. It is perhaps unsurprising that in the beginning Minako and Usagi mistake her for a him. However, dispite allowing the other characters n the story to make certain assumptions about her gender, Haruka never actually outright claims to be male. This prevents the audience from believing her to be transgender and cements the fact that she is merely what she is and not bothering to conform to traditional feminine ideals.

Perhaps most misunderstood is her relationship with fellow Senshi, Sailor Neptune. The American dub pinned them (insulting cousins everywhere!) as cousins but they were originally written as lovers and this is obvious in the way in which they treat one another. Although their behaviour was never explicit, it is always strongly hinted that they are an item. There is a wide range of dōjinshi and fanfiction available on the couple but it is my feeling that their relationship is stronger than simply the sexual aspect. In the anime, it is Neptune who recruits Haruka to the Senshi and their interaction seems to be one of mutual support in a difficult and unforgiving world.

Haruka and Neptune are introduced to the story as seeking the three Talismens which reside in the pure hearts of individuals. They, unlike the inner Senshi, are in their late teens and have a more cynical and jaded perception of the world around them. For the greater good they are willing to kill innocents, a tactic which does not sit well with the other Senshi. This allows Neptune and Uranus to act almost as renegade Senshi, exposing the first true rift between the Senshi of the Silver Millenium. This gives us a much more interesting storyline, asking the viewer a moral question; whose ideals do you support?

Haruka is a more complicated character than her easy going exterior would suggest. We know that she is capable of deep feelings for those around her and yet she is willing to kill or die to achieve her goals. This suggests a great inner conviction to do what she feels is right. Haruka is an almost perfect reflection of the human conscience; You know what is right, but do you have the strength to do it?

                                                         "I never said that i'm a man!" - Haruka Ten'ō

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